Historic Centre of Prague

Historic Centre of Prague

Built between the 11th and 18th centuries, the Old Town, the Lesser Town and the New Town speak of the great architectural and cultural influence enjoyed by this city since the Middle Ages. The many magnificent monuments, such as Hradcani Castle, St Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and numerous churches and palaces, built mostly in the 14th century under the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV.

Statement of Significance

Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe in terms of its setting on both banks of the Vltava River, its townscape of burger houses and palaces punctuated by towers, and its individual buildings.

The Historic Centre represents a supreme manifestation of Medieval urbanism (the New Town of Emperor Charles IV built as the New Jerusalem). The Prague architectural works of the Gothic Period (14th and 15th centuries), of the High Baroque of the 1st half of the 18th century and of the rising modernism after the year 1900, influenced the development of Central Europe, perhaps even all European architecture. Prague represents one of the most prominent world centres of creative life in the field of urbanism and architecture across generations, human mentality and beliefs.

Prague belongs to the group of historic cities which have preserved the structure of their development until the present times. Within the core of Prague, successive stages of growth and changes have respected the original grand-scale urban structure of the Early Middle Ages. This structure was essentially and greatly enlarged with urban activities in the High Gothic period with more additions during the High Baroque period and in the 19th century. It has been saved from any large-scale urban renewal or massive demolitions and thus preserves its overall configuration, pattern and spatial composition.

In the course of the 1100 years of its existence, Prague’s development can be documented in the architectural expression of many historical periods and their styles. The city is rich in outstanding monuments from all periods of its history. Of particular importance are Prague Castle, the Cathedral of St Vitus, Hradćany Square in front of the Castle, the Valdgtejn Palace on the left bank of the river, the Gothic Charles Bridge, the Romanesque Rotunda of the Holy Rood, the Gothic arcaded houses round the Old Town Square, the High Gothic Minorite Church of St James in the Stark Mĕsto, the late 19th century buildings and town plan of the Nave Mĕsto.

As early as the Middle Ages, Prague became one of the leading cultural centres of Christian Europe. The Prague University, founded in 1348, is one of the earliest in Europe. The milieu of the University in the last quarter of the 14th century and the first years of the 15th century contributed among other things to the formation of ideas of the Hussite Movement which represented in fact the first steps of the European Reformation. As a metropolis of culture, Prague is connected with prominent names in art, science and politics, such as Charles IV, Petr Parléř, Jan Hus, Johannes Kepler, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Kafka, Antonín Dvořák, Albert Einstein, Edvard Beneš (co-founder of the League of Nations) and Václav Havel.

Criterion (ii): The historic centre of Prague admirably illustrates the process of continuous urban growth from the Middle Ages to the present day. Its important role in the political, economic, social, and cultural evolution of central Europe from the 14th century onwards and the richness of its architectural and artistic traditions meant that it served as a major model for urban development for much of central and eastern Europe.

Criterion (iv): Prague is an urban architectural ensemble of outstanding quality, in terms of both its individual monuments and its townscape, and one that is deservedly world-famous.

Criterion (vi): The role of Prague in the medieval development of Christianity in central Europe was an outstanding one, as was its formative influence in the evolution of towns. By virtue of its political significance in the later Middle Ages and after, it attracted architects and artists from all over Europe, who contributed to its wealth of architectural and artistic treasures. The 14th century foundation of Charles University made Prague a renowned seat of learning, a reputation that it has preserved up to the present day. Since the reign of Charles IV, Prague has also been the intellectual and cultural centre of central Europe, and is indelibly associated with such world-famous names as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Kafka.
Long Description

Prague is an urban architectural ensemble of outstanding quality, in terms of both its individual monuments and its townscape, and one that is deservedly world famous. The historic centre of Prague admirably illustrates the process of continuous urban growth from the Middle Ages to the present day. Its important role in the political, economic, social and cultural evolution of central Europe from the 14th century onwards and the richness of its architectural and artistic traditions meant that it served as a major model for urban development for much of central and eastern Europe.

The role of Prague in the medieval development of Christianity in central Europe was an outstanding one, as was its formative influence in the evolution of towns. By virtue of its political significance in the later Middle Ages and later, it attracted architects and artists from all over Europe, who contributed to its wealth of architectural and artistic treasures. The 15th-century creation of Charles University made it a renowned seat of learning, a reputation that it has preserved to the present day. Since the reign of Charles IV, Prague has also been the intellectual and cultural centre of its region, and is indelibly associated with such world-famous names as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Kafka.

The historic city of Prague comprises three separate cities - the Old Town (Stare Město), the Lesser Town (Malá Strana) and the New Town (Nove Město). In the late 9th century a fortified settlement was built on a hill on the left bank of the river, the site now occupied by Prague Castle. This extended down towards the river; while a second fortress was constructed on the opposite bank (Vyšehrad). During the 10th century the intervening areas were gradually settled and Prague became the capital of the Bohemian state, a bishopric being founded there in 973. Construction of the early Romanesque Cathedral of St Vitus began in the later 11th century.

In 1135 Sobĕslav II began work on a large stone castle, replacing the earlier wooden structure. The 12th century saw considerable expansion of the city, with a Premonstratensian monastery being built at Strahov and the construction of a new stone bridge across the Vltava, which led to the growth of the Stare Město. The mid-14th century saw further growth, with the foundation of the Nove Město, which was encircled by a defensive wall. From the mid-14th century Prague became a major centre of culture, with artists and architects coming from all parts of Europe, notably Italy. The result was a massive programme of rebuilding.

A disastrous fire in 1541 destroyed much of the settlement on the left bank of the Vltava, and in the rebuilding Renaissance styles predominated. The end of the Thirty Years' War in 1648 saw Prague declining, and it was not until the end of the century that it recovered, commemorated by the vigorous development of High Baroque. Urban development from 1880 onwards resulted in the demolition of many old buildings, notably in the Jewish Quarter on the right bank of the Vltava. However, the city benefited from the construction of a large number of outstanding buildings in contemporary style.

The city is rich in monuments from all periods of its history. Of particular importance are Prague Castle, the Cathedral of St Vitus, Hradčany Square in front of the castle, and the Valdštejn Palace on the left bank of the river, the Gothic Charles Bridge, the Romanesque Rotunda of the Holy Rood, the Gothic arcaded houses round the Old Town Square, the High Gothic Minorite Church of St James in the Stare Město, and the late 19th-century buildings and town plan of the Nove Město.

Listed among the endangered sites, St Anne's Church in the Old Town district of Prague has been used as a warehouse for the past two centuries; the church has preserved its original structure and most of its genuine fabric. The interior still retains a cycle of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque murals, and its original Gothic roof timbering.
Historical Description

The historic city of Prague comprises three separate cities - the Old Town (Staré Mesto), the Lesser Town (Mala Strana). and the New Town (Nové Mĕsto).

The earliest settlement on the banks of the Vltava River dates back to prehistory, as excavations have shown. In the late 9th century a fortified settlement was built on a hill on the left bank of the river, the site now occupied by Prague Castle. This extended down towards the river, whilst a second fortress was constructed on the opposite bank (Vyšehrad). During the 10th century the intervening areas were gradually settled.

In the 10th century Prague became the capital of the Bohemian state, and a bishopric was founded there in 973. Construction of the early Romanesque Cathedral of St Vitus began in the later 11th century. In 1135 Sobĕslav Il began work on a large stone castle, replacing the earlier wooden structure. The 12th century saw considerable expansion of the city, with a Premonstratensian monastery being built at Strahov and the construction of a new stone bridge across the Vltava, which led to the growth of the Staré Mĕsto.

The mid-14th century saw further growth, with the foundation of the Nové Mĕsto, which was encircled by a defensive wall. From the mid-14th century onwards Prague became a major centre of culture, with artists and architects coming from all parts of Europe, but notably ltaly. The result was a massive programme of rebuilding.

A disastrous fire in 1541 destroyed much of the settlement on the left bank of the Vltava, and in the rebuilding Renaissance styles predominated. The end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 saw Prague declining, and it was not until the end of the century that it recovered, commemorated by the vigorous development of High Baroque.

Urban development from 1880 onwards resulted in the demolition of many old buildings, notably in the Jewish Quarter on the right bank of the Vltava. However, the city benefited from the construction of a large number of outstanding buildings in contemporary style.

The city is rich in monuments from ail periods of its history. Of particular importance are Prague Castle, the Cathedral of St Vitus. Hrad2'any Square in front of the Castle, and the Valdstejn Palace on the left bank of the river, the Gothic Charles Bridge, the Romanesque Rotunda of the Holy Rood, the Gothic arcaded houses round the Old Town Square, and the High Gothic Minorite Church of St James in the Staré Mĕsto, and the late 19th century buildings and town plan of the Nové Mĕsto.

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